Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) are members of the local community who volunteer to visit police stations unannounced to check on the treatment and welfare of people held in police custody.
ICV recommendations can require the police to make improvements for the welfare of detainees. Working as part of a local panel, they play a valuable role in maintaining public confidence in this important area of policing by making sure that detainees are treated well
The London Scheme
An ICV panel operates in every London borough that has an active custody facility. Overall the scheme is made up of over 200 volunteers visiting over 30 custody suites. The London ICV Scheme is a member of the Independent Custody Visiting Association (ICVA). Visit the ICVA website for more information.
Custody visiting in London
Each Police and Crime Commissioner has a legal obligation to make arrangements for a custody visiting scheme to operate in its area. In London, the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) holds overall responsibility for the scheme’s management and administration. ICVs are volunteers from within the community and the scheme is independent of the police.
Be a vital part of police custody oversight
Join a dedicated group of volunteers in your borough who visit police custody suites and speak to detainees to ensure fair and equal treatment under the law.
To apply
MOPAC recruits Londoners from across the capital to the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme, and would like to hear from you if you believe you can offer your time and experience to this important role.
To apply complete a copy of the ICV application and monitoring form available above, and email your completed form to MOPAC or post it to the address shown on the form.